Holidays in Corsica | Special rates for ferry crossings
Our great offer for your holiday in Corsica this summer ! Save up to 35% on your ferry crossing* !
By booking your holiday in Corsica with Odalys Vacances, you can get up to 35% off* your ferry crossing with our partner Corsica Linea - ferry crossings from Marseille on the French mainland to different ports on the island of Corsica several times a week.
Get ready to discover the idyllic beaches, the easy way of life and great food... on your holiday in Corsica !
*Reduction applies to the standard rate (taxes excluded) : vehicle + passenger. No changes can be made, no refund possible, subject to availability in the rate category, discount does not apply to extra services.
By booking your holiday in Corsica with Odalys Vacances, you can get up to 35% off* your ferry crossing with our partner Corsica Linea - ferry crossings from Marseille on the French mainland to different ports on the island of Corsica several times a week.
Get ready to discover the idyllic beaches, the easy way of life and great food... on your holiday in Corsica !
*Reduction applies to the standard rate (taxes excluded) : vehicle + passenger. No changes can be made, no refund possible, subject to availability in the rate category, discount does not apply to extra services.