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Holiday Rental with Odalys

Holiday rentals in Burgundy

The region of Burgundy is not just about wine, even if the splendid vineyards remind us that we're at the heart of a one of the most reputed wine-growing areas in France. Spend a holiday in Burgundy, and discover an exceptional heritage, both religious and historical, at the heart of a luxuriant and abundant nature. Rivers, canals, caves and forests set off the chateaux, abbeys, basilicas and churches. Dijon, Beaune, Pommard, Nevers, Auxerre, the towns of Burgundy are charming and authentic, offering you a warm welcome and so much to do and see.
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Accommodation and holiday rentals in Burgundy - Ain

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from 23/06/2024 to 30/06/2024
from 02/06/2024 to 09/06/2024
from 08/09/2024 to 15/09/2024
from 09/06/2024 to 16/06/2024
from 16/09/2024 to 23/09/2024